After you complete the survey design form under Launch Survey, your account manager will meet with you to review and edit your survey. Following this meeting, you will have 3 business days to make any changes to the English copy of your survey. Afterwards, our team will build out the English portion of your survey for you & other stakeholders to test. This testing period typically lasts around 2 days.

Once the survey’s English copy & formatting is confirmed, we then translate your survey into the languages you requested and build out the remainder of your chatbot. It’s vital that the English copy of the survey is confirmed prior to pushing to translations, as any requested language changes post translations will cost one research credit.

The timeline from your Survey Design Meeting to launching your survey is typically 1-2 weeks.

The timeline from your Survey Design Meeting to launching your survey is typically 1-2 weeks.
Your survey can be live for as long as you’d like. Typically, our surveys are live for about three months.
Once your survey is launched, get people to respond! Broadcast your survey on social media, create a post on your website, put out fliers with the survey’s SMS number and trigger word. Remember, you know your community the best — publicize your survey so that it’s accessible for your respondents.

Launching an outreach campaign that publicizes your survey to your community is the best way to get responses. We designed a matrix to help you determine some outreach frameworks that would be ideal based on your budget and expected outcomes.


To learn more about outreach frameworks, go to https://cocensus.io/welcome/.